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Перевод | Примеры |
Легко пришло-легко ушло // ОбЫчно не дорожат теми благами, которые достались без труда. |
"What happened to all the money you got when the will was
settled and the business was sold?" Lucy asked. Топу shrugged
again. "The usual," he said. "False friends, riotous living and
bad investments. Easy соте, easy go. I wasn't particularly anxious
to hold оп to it. lt made me uncomfortable." (I. Shaw)
"Racing chaps, I suppose. Easy come and easy go-that's their motto. All right while it lasts-but how long does it last?" (Priestley) I'11 still kick Шее hell оn your expense accounts and your easy come, easy go attitude toward money, but damn it, Donald, when the going gets tough Вertha stands bу you, shoulder to shoulder! ( Gardner) You know, Sally, we ought to see more of one another. I've bееn а bit shy, I dare say, but it's been my fault that I've never, in all my life, bееn аblе to get оп any very sound terms with anyone except your mother. Light come and light go. And now I'm paying for it. ( Walpole) |